Artist Bio
Susana Sanromán (A Coruña) - She lives and works in London
Susana Sanromán is a Spanish visual artist working in different media: Photography, Video-Art, Installation, and Performance.
Since completing her B.A. (Hons) in Photography at the LCC, University of the Arts London, she has been involved in numerous international exhibitions and artist residencies in Europe, Asia, and America.
After her graduation in 2008, she assisted internationally renowned artist Tom Hunter for four years. In 2009, she published her photographic essay 'Women looking at women: the female gaze.'
Her artwork has been selected for several international Art Fairs over the years; Exposure 2015 at Louvre Museum, Venice Biennale 2019, 2017, and 2015, London Art Fair 2023, The Affordable Art Fair (London, Hong Kong, and Singapore), and Art Takes Miami 2015 &2014, among others.
Her Photography has been the runner-up of the 'British Photography Awards 2020'. Amongst other awards, she has also been a finalist at the 'NordArt Award 2019 and 2017', 'World Photography Organization Der Greif Open Call 2017' and 'The Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Her work has been recently selected for Special Projects at the Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2022, among 80 galleries.
Susana Sanromán focuses her work on the impact of consumerist societies on the natural environment. She creates images to reflect on a 'Future' plagued by unknowns, aiming to create a bridge gaze from climate change to social isolation.
The human figure is presented at the center stage, as the victim and perpetrator, of our global impact on the environment.
In her work, the photographs have a performative nature, giving the human body a sense of presence, immediacy, and vulnerability.
'In constant evolution, prompted by her creative vision and a distinctive visual language, her work displays a narrative dictated by the visceral impulses of a global society, which leads to a state of hyper-connectivity, degradation, ambiguity, and hypnosis'. Gelines Romero for BRIT.ES MAGAZINE
2015 Sweeep Kuusakoski worksphop. Victoria & Albert Museum 'Bodies of Planned Obsolescence:
Digital performance and the global politics of electronic waste'. London, UK
2008-05 BA (hon) Photography. London College of Communication. University of the Arts. UK
2004-03 Master in Commercial Photographer. Escuela Superior Imagen i Son (CEV). BCN, Spain
2004-01 BTEC in Photography at Westminster Adult Education. London, UK
1995-00 BA in Business Administration. Universidad de Empresariales de A Coruña. Spain
Arts Residencies
2018 Passagio di Atina 2018. Atina, Italy
2017 Circle Residency 2017. Bali, Indonesia
* Montague-Armstrong Printmaking residency. Hastings, UK
2016 Conversations in Goa 2016. Goa, India
2015 Somos Mar 2015. A Coruña. Spain
* Geddes Gallery.'A Transient Space'. London, UK
* Atina 2015. Atina, Italy
* Directional Forces 2015. Florina, Greece
2014 Atina 2014. Atina, Italy
SOLO Exhibitions
2018 'Present Imperfect, Future Tense': Photography. Leica Bank Gallery. London, UK
* 'Present Imperfect, Future Tense': Photography. Leica Mayfair Gallery. London, UK
2016 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. Leica Bank Gallery. London, UK
* 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. Leica Mayfair Gallery. London, UK
2014 'Essentia-Praesentia': Photography.'Spain Now' Festival.Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
* 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. IN Gallery. Espasante, Spain
2010 'Friends': Photography.Hackney Wicked Festival. Unity Arts Space. London, UK
Other Exhibitions
2021 'Somos Mar II'. Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada. Spain
* 'Parnu Art Week 2021'. Performances around Parnu city. Parnu, Estonia
* 'Creation in Isolation – Navigating Absurdity in Times of Limitation’.WABBGET. Parnu, Estonia
* 'MAV okupa los museos'. MARCO Museum. Vigo, Spain
2020 'A Vuelta con las ruedas' Fundación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
2019 'NordArt 2019- International Art Exhibition'. Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'Hong Kong Affordable Art Fair 2019'. Represented by Siger Gallery. Hong Kong
* 'Minuscule'. 58th La Biennale Di Venezia. Castello 30122. Venezia ,Italy
* 'EMPIRE II After Extinction. Museo de Arte Cotemporáneo de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, Mexico
* 'Minuscule'. Cross Lane Projects. Kendal, UK
2018 'PASSAGGIATINA'. hARTslane gallery. London, UK
* 'Emprie II: Zagreb'. Galerija Kontra. Zagreb, Croatia
* 'Emprie II: Paris'. Le 100, ECS.Part of FIAC.Paris, France
* 'Protocol'. Q-Park Cavendish Square. During Frieze Art Week. London, UK
* 'EMPIRE II: Madrid.Super Pop. Madrid, Spain
* 'EMPIRE II: Hastings'. Rogue Gallery Studios. Part of Coastal Currents 2018. Hastings, UK
* 'Passagio di Atina 2018'. Il Palazo Ducale di Atina. Atina, Italy
* 'Waste or Not to Waste' (Performance). Tallinn Art Week 2018.Tallinn, Estonia
* 'EMPIRE II: Playing God'. Tallinn Art Week 2018.Tallinn, Estonia
* 'Beyond The Lens International Film Festival'. LA Downtown Theatre. Los Angeles. USA
* 'International Splash Trash Art Expo'. London, UK
* 'DFL show'. Montague-Amstrong gallery. Hastingsh Art Expo'. London, UK
2017 'SALON/17'.Photofusion. London, UK
* 'C.A.R.Exhibition'. Cata Odata Gallery. Bali, Indonesia
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.Spektrum Space. Berlin, Germany
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.Provincial Project Space. Kendal, UK
* 'CineMare International Ocean Film Festival Kiel'.Zoologisches Museum.Kiel, Germany
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.57th Venice Biennial (official British Map). Castello 1610. Venice, Italy
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'. Brussels Art Week. Lobster Fish. Brussels, Belgium
* '51% RememberHer'. International Women's day. Tower Gallery. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2017. Year of the Rooster'. Q-Park Chinatown. London, UK
2016 'SALON/16'.Photofusion. London, UK
* 'Islington Contemporary Art and Design Fair'. Candid Arts Gallery. London, UK
* 'Big Deal No7'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
* 'Revolution'.Art Soho Society and Creative Debuts. Black & White Building. London, UK
* 'Interfilm Festival Berlin 2016'. OCEAN CONTEMPORARY Digital Art Exhibition. Volksbühne. Berlin, German
* 'Artcoins: KunstExperiment'. BBK Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf, Germany
* 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Grizedale Forest; supported by Forestry Commission England. London, UK
* 'Mar de Mares' Festival. Kiosko Alfonso. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Royal Geographical Society. London, UK.
* NordArt 2016- International Art Exhibition. Büdelsdorf, Germany
* 'Black & White'.Art Soho Society and Creative Debuts. Black & White Building. London, UK
* 'The Internet Yami-Ichi'. Tate Modern, part of 'Offprint' London Fair. London, UK
* 'Conversations in Goa 2016'. The Space. Goa, India
* 'Hommunculus'. Asylum Exhibition Space. London, UK
2015 ArtCop21-International Environmental Art Festival & Spain Now.Hospital Club. London, UK
* 'A Transient Space'. Geddes Gallery. London, UK
* Festival Spain Now 2016. London, UK
* 'Scope'. Art Takes Miami 2015. Miami, USA
* 'Somos Mar'. PALEXCO Exhibition Space, part of 'Mar de Mares' Festival. A Coruña. Spain
* 'Directional Forces 2015'. Prespa Open Air Museum. Prespa, Greece
* 'Atina 2016'. Il Palazo Ducale de Atina. Atina, Italy
* 'Office Sessions IV'. Office Sessions Soho. London, UK
* 'Monochrome (Green)'. OXJAM Islington Festival. London, UK
* 'Exposure'. Louvre Museum. Paris, France
* 'DEN-city' (Architecture Week). Hackney Wick. London, UK
* NordArt 2015- International Art Exhibition. Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels'. 56th Venice Biennial. Venice, Italy
* 'Letter Box'. 56th Venice Biennial. Venice, Italy
* 'PLAY’. Cultivate London. London, UK
* 'Spring Salon’. Candid Arts Trust Gallery. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2015. Year of the Sheep'. Q-Park Chinatown. London, UK
2014 God'. Let Art Work Gallery. Pune, India
* 'Scope'. Art Takes Miami. Miami, USA
* 'Control'. The Control Room. Bristol, UK
* 'Blurphoto'. Galería Roja. Seville, Spain
* 'We Could Not Agree'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
* 'Aesthesia'. Pick 'N' Mix Gallery. Bristol, UK
* 'Atina 2014'. Il Palazo Ducale di Atina, Italy
* 'Atina 2014'.Sant Ambrogio Square. Sant Ambrogio, Italy
* 'Big Deal: Marvellous MIx-UpsX1'. Loud & Western Building. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2014. Year Of The Horse'. Q Park Chinatown. London, UK
2013 'Open Studios'. Spain Now Festival 2013. London, UK
* 'Big Deal No5'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
2012 'Poñer cousas en orde'. LaNormal Exhibition Space. A Coruña, Spain
2011 Aston University. Birmingham, UK
* Photomonth festival. House Art Space. London, UK
* Viva - 17thSpaninsh & Latinoamerican film festival. Instituto Cervantes. Manchester, UK
2010 Photomonth Festival. Islington Art & Design Fair. London, UK
* Futurising Event'.University of the Arts London. London, UK
* Photomonth Festival .Photofair. London, UK
* Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester, UK
* Somers Town Festival of Cultures. London, UK
* 'Micro Aid'.King's College, London, UK
* 'La Place de L'Etre'.L'hopital de Granville. Granville, France
* School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK
* The Foundry. London, UK
2009 Angel Christmas Art Fair. London, UK
* 'Mix 'N' Match'. SHUNT. London, UK
* Photomonth Festival. Islington Art & Design Fair. London, UK
* 'Summer-show'. Candid Arts Trust gallery. London, UK
* '(A) gender'. Nolia's Gallery. London, UK
* 'Blank Wall'. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
Published Books
2018 'Dystopia'. Photo-Book.Author Susana Sanromán. Publisher Brit ES Magazine in collaboration with Leica UK.
#3 from Brit Es Photo-book collection. English/Spanish. Spain
2009 'Women looking at women: the female gaze'. Essay.Author Susana Sanroman. Publisher VDM Verlag. English. Germany
2020 'British Photographer Awards 2020' (Runner UP). London, U.K.
2019 'NordArt 2019' (Photography category short-listed). Budelsdorf, Germany
2018 World Photography Organisation. 'Der Greif Open Call 2017: the curated selection by Mike Trow' (Work selected)
* 'Beyond the Lens Film Festival 2017: 12 Grand Challenges'.(Official Selection). Downtown Independent Theater. Los Angeles, USA
2017 'Montague-Armstromg gallery' Award. (Winner) Montague-Amstrong Gallery. Hastings, UK
* 'Salon|17'.(Selected). Photofusion. London, UK
2016 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'.(Video Finalist) .Royal Geographical Society. London, UK
* 'NordArt 2016' (Photography category short-listed). Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'Salon|16'.(Special Mention). Photofusion. London, UK
2015 'NordArt 2015' (Photography category Selected). Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'The Exposure Award' (Short-listed). Scope Art Show. Miami, USA
2011 'V Photography Santander Creativa' Award: Fonocorte. (Finalist) Santander, Spain
1998 'Generacion 98' Award: Caja Madrid. Madrid, Spain
2017 'Art World magazine (艺术世界)'. N.323.Article. Author Rupert Griffiths. English/Chinese.China
* 'CineMare International Ocean Film Festival Kiel' Exhibition Catalogue. German. Germany
* 'Empire II; The Age of Anxiety' 57th Biennale Venezia Exhibition Catalogue. Publisher Studio Victor Hotzs. English.Germany/Italy
2016 'The Lady of the World' online magazine. Article. Author Amancay Tapia. English. UK
* 'Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016' Catalogue. Editor Parker Harris. English.UK
* 'Art Gossips' online Article.Naiara Valdano. Spanish. Spain
* 'Interfilm Berlin 2016' Programme Catalogue. German. Germany
* 'NordArt 2016 International Festival' Catalogue. Publisher Kunst in der Carlshuette gGmbH. English/German. Germany
2015 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels' 56th Biennale Venezia Exhibition Catalogue.Publisher Bath School of Art and Design. English.UK/Italy
* 'NordArt 2015 International Festival' Catalogue. Publisher Kunst in der Carlshuette gGmbH. . English/German. Germany
* 'The Exposure Award; Art Photography Collection' Exhibition Book. English. USA
* 'The Exposure Award; Dreamers Collection' Exhibition Book. English. USA
* 'Sailing Journal' magazine'. N. 66. Author Ocean Contemporary. German. Germany
* 'La Voz de Galicia' Newspaper (22.11.2015). Article.Author Rita Álvarez Tudela . Galician. Spain
* 'El Ideal Gallego' Newspaper (30.09.2015). Article.Author T. Franco. Spanish. Spain
2014 'La Voz de Galicia' newspaper (15.02.2014). Article. Author Xesús Fraga. Spanish. Spain
'La Voz de Galicia' newspaper (28.08.2014). Article. Spanish. Spain
2011 'Diario Montañes' newspaper (16.06.2011). Article. Author G. Baldona. Spanish. Spain
* 'La Region Internacional' Newspaper (17.04.2011). Article. Spanish. Spain
Talks & Workshops
2021 'The Things We Leave Behind' Somos Mar II. Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada, Spain
2020 'A Vueltas con las Ruedas' Festival Mar de Mares 2020. In conversation with SIGNUS Ecovalor. Funcación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Introducing Susana Sanromán'. WABGNET. Online Conversation with director of WABGNET. Spain/Finland
2019 'Curating Your Own Photographic Style' Workshop. Victoria and Albert Museum. London, UK
* Four-week workshop starting on the 11th of September 2019. London,UK
2019 'Making Art Happen' Workshop. Instituto Cervantes London. Organised by Exprimento Limón
2017 'VOL.3-Circle Art Residency': Artist Talk & Open Discussion at Ketemu Project Space. Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
* 'II International Festival: Beachcombers Around The World'. CEIDA. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Poppositions off-fair';“Don't Agonize,Organize!”. Brussels Art Week. ING Art Center. Brussels, Belgium
2015 'Memorabilia': Artist Talk at London Alternative Collective. London, UK
2014 'Essentia-Praesentia': Artist Talk at Spain Now. Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
2014 'Art, Environment and things from you & Me' . Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
2012 'Experiencing Photography: Being in a Collective'. Goldsmith University. London, UK
2012 'Constipation': Artist Talk at La Normal Exhibition Space. La Coruña, Spain
2010 'Beat the crunch with your Creativity'. Futurising Event at UAL. London, UK
* 'Beat the crunch with your Creativity'. Media School: London College of Communication. London, UK
* 'Latino American Identity'. School of Oriental and African Studies. London, UK
Commissioned Work
2021 'The Things We Leave Behind': Sculpture made of recycling materials (Somos Mar II). Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada, Spain
2020 'In tránsito; Geometrias en Suspensión': Video Art (Festival Mar de Mares & SIGNUS Ecovalor). Funcación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
2016 'Pedriiño': Sculpture made of recycled electronic waste (Festival Mar de Mares 2016). Jardines Mendez Nuñez. A Coruña, Spain
2010 'Chrysalis': Video Art (Closure VIVA Festival). Instituto Cervantes. Manchester, UK
* 'Balloon Bash': Multimedia Installation. Commissioned by Jessica Charlesworth. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
* 'Unisex': Photo Installation. Commissioned by Jessica Charlesworth. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
* 'Chrysalis': Live performance/video installation. Commissioned by David Rosenberg. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
Work Experience
2013-16 Photographer at Photoshot Photo Agency
2012-to present Photographer at the Barbican Museum
2011-2020 Freelance at Leica Camera UK
2008-to present Photographer; Specialized in Art and Culture Events
2009-10 Gallery Assistant Candid Arts Trust
2008-13 Renown artist Tom Hunter's assistant
Susana Sanromán (A Coruña) - She lives and works in London
Susana Sanromán is a Spanish visual artist working in different media: Photography, Video-Art, Installation, and Performance.
Since completing her B.A. (Hons) in Photography at the LCC, University of the Arts London, she has been involved in numerous international exhibitions and artist residencies in Europe, Asia, and America.
After her graduation in 2008, she assisted internationally renowned artist Tom Hunter for four years. In 2009, she published her photographic essay 'Women looking at women: the female gaze.'
Her artwork has been selected for several international Art Fairs over the years; Exposure 2015 at Louvre Museum, Venice Biennale 2019, 2017, and 2015, London Art Fair 2023, The Affordable Art Fair (London, Hong Kong, and Singapore), and Art Takes Miami 2015 &2014, among others.
Her Photography has been the runner-up of the 'British Photography Awards 2020'. Amongst other awards, she has also been a finalist at the 'NordArt Award 2019 and 2017', 'World Photography Organization Der Greif Open Call 2017' and 'The Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Her work has been recently selected for Special Projects at the Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2022, among 80 galleries.
Susana Sanromán focuses her work on the impact of consumerist societies on the natural environment. She creates images to reflect on a 'Future' plagued by unknowns, aiming to create a bridge gaze from climate change to social isolation.
The human figure is presented at the center stage, as the victim and perpetrator, of our global impact on the environment.
In her work, the photographs have a performative nature, giving the human body a sense of presence, immediacy, and vulnerability.
'In constant evolution, prompted by her creative vision and a distinctive visual language, her work displays a narrative dictated by the visceral impulses of a global society, which leads to a state of hyper-connectivity, degradation, ambiguity, and hypnosis'. Gelines Romero for BRIT.ES MAGAZINE
2015 Sweeep Kuusakoski worksphop. Victoria & Albert Museum 'Bodies of Planned Obsolescence:
Digital performance and the global politics of electronic waste'. London, UK
2008-05 BA (hon) Photography. London College of Communication. University of the Arts. UK
2004-03 Master in Commercial Photographer. Escuela Superior Imagen i Son (CEV). BCN, Spain
2004-01 BTEC in Photography at Westminster Adult Education. London, UK
1995-00 BA in Business Administration. Universidad de Empresariales de A Coruña. Spain
Arts Residencies
2018 Passagio di Atina 2018. Atina, Italy
2017 Circle Residency 2017. Bali, Indonesia
* Montague-Armstrong Printmaking residency. Hastings, UK
2016 Conversations in Goa 2016. Goa, India
2015 Somos Mar 2015. A Coruña. Spain
* Geddes Gallery.'A Transient Space'. London, UK
* Atina 2015. Atina, Italy
* Directional Forces 2015. Florina, Greece
2014 Atina 2014. Atina, Italy
SOLO Exhibitions
2018 'Present Imperfect, Future Tense': Photography. Leica Bank Gallery. London, UK
* 'Present Imperfect, Future Tense': Photography. Leica Mayfair Gallery. London, UK
2016 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. Leica Bank Gallery. London, UK
* 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. Leica Mayfair Gallery. London, UK
2014 'Essentia-Praesentia': Photography.'Spain Now' Festival.Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
* 'The Things We Leave Behind': Photography. IN Gallery. Espasante, Spain
2010 'Friends': Photography.Hackney Wicked Festival. Unity Arts Space. London, UK
Other Exhibitions
2021 'Somos Mar II'. Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada. Spain
* 'Parnu Art Week 2021'. Performances around Parnu city. Parnu, Estonia
* 'Creation in Isolation – Navigating Absurdity in Times of Limitation’.WABBGET. Parnu, Estonia
* 'MAV okupa los museos'. MARCO Museum. Vigo, Spain
2020 'A Vuelta con las ruedas' Fundación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
2019 'NordArt 2019- International Art Exhibition'. Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'Hong Kong Affordable Art Fair 2019'. Represented by Siger Gallery. Hong Kong
* 'Minuscule'. 58th La Biennale Di Venezia. Castello 30122. Venezia ,Italy
* 'EMPIRE II After Extinction. Museo de Arte Cotemporáneo de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, Mexico
* 'Minuscule'. Cross Lane Projects. Kendal, UK
2018 'PASSAGGIATINA'. hARTslane gallery. London, UK
* 'Emprie II: Zagreb'. Galerija Kontra. Zagreb, Croatia
* 'Emprie II: Paris'. Le 100, ECS.Part of FIAC.Paris, France
* 'Protocol'. Q-Park Cavendish Square. During Frieze Art Week. London, UK
* 'EMPIRE II: Madrid.Super Pop. Madrid, Spain
* 'EMPIRE II: Hastings'. Rogue Gallery Studios. Part of Coastal Currents 2018. Hastings, UK
* 'Passagio di Atina 2018'. Il Palazo Ducale di Atina. Atina, Italy
* 'Waste or Not to Waste' (Performance). Tallinn Art Week 2018.Tallinn, Estonia
* 'EMPIRE II: Playing God'. Tallinn Art Week 2018.Tallinn, Estonia
* 'Beyond The Lens International Film Festival'. LA Downtown Theatre. Los Angeles. USA
* 'International Splash Trash Art Expo'. London, UK
* 'DFL show'. Montague-Amstrong gallery. Hastingsh Art Expo'. London, UK
2017 'SALON/17'.Photofusion. London, UK
* 'C.A.R.Exhibition'. Cata Odata Gallery. Bali, Indonesia
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.Spektrum Space. Berlin, Germany
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.Provincial Project Space. Kendal, UK
* 'CineMare International Ocean Film Festival Kiel'.Zoologisches Museum.Kiel, Germany
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'.57th Venice Biennial (official British Map). Castello 1610. Venice, Italy
* 'EMPIRE II: Age of Anxiety'. Brussels Art Week. Lobster Fish. Brussels, Belgium
* '51% RememberHer'. International Women's day. Tower Gallery. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2017. Year of the Rooster'. Q-Park Chinatown. London, UK
2016 'SALON/16'.Photofusion. London, UK
* 'Islington Contemporary Art and Design Fair'. Candid Arts Gallery. London, UK
* 'Big Deal No7'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
* 'Revolution'.Art Soho Society and Creative Debuts. Black & White Building. London, UK
* 'Interfilm Festival Berlin 2016'. OCEAN CONTEMPORARY Digital Art Exhibition. Volksbühne. Berlin, German
* 'Artcoins: KunstExperiment'. BBK Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf, Germany
* 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Grizedale Forest; supported by Forestry Commission England. London, UK
* 'Mar de Mares' Festival. Kiosko Alfonso. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'. Royal Geographical Society. London, UK.
* NordArt 2016- International Art Exhibition. Büdelsdorf, Germany
* 'Black & White'.Art Soho Society and Creative Debuts. Black & White Building. London, UK
* 'The Internet Yami-Ichi'. Tate Modern, part of 'Offprint' London Fair. London, UK
* 'Conversations in Goa 2016'. The Space. Goa, India
* 'Hommunculus'. Asylum Exhibition Space. London, UK
2015 ArtCop21-International Environmental Art Festival & Spain Now.Hospital Club. London, UK
* 'A Transient Space'. Geddes Gallery. London, UK
* Festival Spain Now 2016. London, UK
* 'Scope'. Art Takes Miami 2015. Miami, USA
* 'Somos Mar'. PALEXCO Exhibition Space, part of 'Mar de Mares' Festival. A Coruña. Spain
* 'Directional Forces 2015'. Prespa Open Air Museum. Prespa, Greece
* 'Atina 2016'. Il Palazo Ducale de Atina. Atina, Italy
* 'Office Sessions IV'. Office Sessions Soho. London, UK
* 'Monochrome (Green)'. OXJAM Islington Festival. London, UK
* 'Exposure'. Louvre Museum. Paris, France
* 'DEN-city' (Architecture Week). Hackney Wick. London, UK
* NordArt 2015- International Art Exhibition. Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels'. 56th Venice Biennial. Venice, Italy
* 'Letter Box'. 56th Venice Biennial. Venice, Italy
* 'PLAY’. Cultivate London. London, UK
* 'Spring Salon’. Candid Arts Trust Gallery. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2015. Year of the Sheep'. Q-Park Chinatown. London, UK
2014 God'. Let Art Work Gallery. Pune, India
* 'Scope'. Art Takes Miami. Miami, USA
* 'Control'. The Control Room. Bristol, UK
* 'Blurphoto'. Galería Roja. Seville, Spain
* 'We Could Not Agree'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
* 'Aesthesia'. Pick 'N' Mix Gallery. Bristol, UK
* 'Atina 2014'. Il Palazo Ducale di Atina, Italy
* 'Atina 2014'.Sant Ambrogio Square. Sant Ambrogio, Italy
* 'Big Deal: Marvellous MIx-UpsX1'. Loud & Western Building. London, UK
* 'Chinese Open 2014. Year Of The Horse'. Q Park Chinatown. London, UK
2013 'Open Studios'. Spain Now Festival 2013. London, UK
* 'Big Deal No5'. Q-Park Cavendish Sq. London, UK
2012 'Poñer cousas en orde'. LaNormal Exhibition Space. A Coruña, Spain
2011 Aston University. Birmingham, UK
* Photomonth festival. House Art Space. London, UK
* Viva - 17thSpaninsh & Latinoamerican film festival. Instituto Cervantes. Manchester, UK
2010 Photomonth Festival. Islington Art & Design Fair. London, UK
* Futurising Event'.University of the Arts London. London, UK
* Photomonth Festival .Photofair. London, UK
* Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester, UK
* Somers Town Festival of Cultures. London, UK
* 'Micro Aid'.King's College, London, UK
* 'La Place de L'Etre'.L'hopital de Granville. Granville, France
* School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK
* The Foundry. London, UK
2009 Angel Christmas Art Fair. London, UK
* 'Mix 'N' Match'. SHUNT. London, UK
* Photomonth Festival. Islington Art & Design Fair. London, UK
* 'Summer-show'. Candid Arts Trust gallery. London, UK
* '(A) gender'. Nolia's Gallery. London, UK
* 'Blank Wall'. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
Published Books
2018 'Dystopia'. Photo-Book.Author Susana Sanromán. Publisher Brit ES Magazine in collaboration with Leica UK.
#3 from Brit Es Photo-book collection. English/Spanish. Spain
2009 'Women looking at women: the female gaze'. Essay.Author Susana Sanroman. Publisher VDM Verlag. English. Germany
2020 'British Photographer Awards 2020' (Runner UP). London, U.K.
2019 'NordArt 2019' (Photography category short-listed). Budelsdorf, Germany
2018 World Photography Organisation. 'Der Greif Open Call 2017: the curated selection by Mike Trow' (Work selected)
* 'Beyond the Lens Film Festival 2017: 12 Grand Challenges'.(Official Selection). Downtown Independent Theater. Los Angeles, USA
2017 'Montague-Armstromg gallery' Award. (Winner) Montague-Amstrong Gallery. Hastings, UK
* 'Salon|17'.(Selected). Photofusion. London, UK
2016 'Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016'.(Video Finalist) .Royal Geographical Society. London, UK
* 'NordArt 2016' (Photography category short-listed). Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'Salon|16'.(Special Mention). Photofusion. London, UK
2015 'NordArt 2015' (Photography category Selected). Budelsdorf, Germany
* 'The Exposure Award' (Short-listed). Scope Art Show. Miami, USA
2011 'V Photography Santander Creativa' Award: Fonocorte. (Finalist) Santander, Spain
1998 'Generacion 98' Award: Caja Madrid. Madrid, Spain
2017 'Art World magazine (艺术世界)'. N.323.Article. Author Rupert Griffiths. English/Chinese.China
* 'CineMare International Ocean Film Festival Kiel' Exhibition Catalogue. German. Germany
* 'Empire II; The Age of Anxiety' 57th Biennale Venezia Exhibition Catalogue. Publisher Studio Victor Hotzs. English.Germany/Italy
2016 'The Lady of the World' online magazine. Article. Author Amancay Tapia. English. UK
* 'Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016' Catalogue. Editor Parker Harris. English.UK
* 'Art Gossips' online Article.Naiara Valdano. Spanish. Spain
* 'Interfilm Berlin 2016' Programme Catalogue. German. Germany
* 'NordArt 2016 International Festival' Catalogue. Publisher Kunst in der Carlshuette gGmbH. English/German. Germany
2015 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels' 56th Biennale Venezia Exhibition Catalogue.Publisher Bath School of Art and Design. English.UK/Italy
* 'NordArt 2015 International Festival' Catalogue. Publisher Kunst in der Carlshuette gGmbH. . English/German. Germany
* 'The Exposure Award; Art Photography Collection' Exhibition Book. English. USA
* 'The Exposure Award; Dreamers Collection' Exhibition Book. English. USA
* 'Sailing Journal' magazine'. N. 66. Author Ocean Contemporary. German. Germany
* 'La Voz de Galicia' Newspaper (22.11.2015). Article.Author Rita Álvarez Tudela . Galician. Spain
* 'El Ideal Gallego' Newspaper (30.09.2015). Article.Author T. Franco. Spanish. Spain
2014 'La Voz de Galicia' newspaper (15.02.2014). Article. Author Xesús Fraga. Spanish. Spain
'La Voz de Galicia' newspaper (28.08.2014). Article. Spanish. Spain
2011 'Diario Montañes' newspaper (16.06.2011). Article. Author G. Baldona. Spanish. Spain
* 'La Region Internacional' Newspaper (17.04.2011). Article. Spanish. Spain
Talks & Workshops
2021 'The Things We Leave Behind' Somos Mar II. Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada, Spain
2020 'A Vueltas con las Ruedas' Festival Mar de Mares 2020. In conversation with SIGNUS Ecovalor. Funcación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Introducing Susana Sanromán'. WABGNET. Online Conversation with director of WABGNET. Spain/Finland
2019 'Curating Your Own Photographic Style' Workshop. Victoria and Albert Museum. London, UK
* Four-week workshop starting on the 11th of September 2019. London,UK
2019 'Making Art Happen' Workshop. Instituto Cervantes London. Organised by Exprimento Limón
2017 'VOL.3-Circle Art Residency': Artist Talk & Open Discussion at Ketemu Project Space. Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
* 'II International Festival: Beachcombers Around The World'. CEIDA. A Coruña, Spain
* 'Poppositions off-fair';“Don't Agonize,Organize!”. Brussels Art Week. ING Art Center. Brussels, Belgium
2015 'Memorabilia': Artist Talk at London Alternative Collective. London, UK
2014 'Essentia-Praesentia': Artist Talk at Spain Now. Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
2014 'Art, Environment and things from you & Me' . Hanmi Gallery. London, UK
2012 'Experiencing Photography: Being in a Collective'. Goldsmith University. London, UK
2012 'Constipation': Artist Talk at La Normal Exhibition Space. La Coruña, Spain
2010 'Beat the crunch with your Creativity'. Futurising Event at UAL. London, UK
* 'Beat the crunch with your Creativity'. Media School: London College of Communication. London, UK
* 'Latino American Identity'. School of Oriental and African Studies. London, UK
Commissioned Work
2021 'The Things We Leave Behind': Sculpture made of recycling materials (Somos Mar II). Capilla de San Roque Gallery. Sada, Spain
2020 'In tránsito; Geometrias en Suspensión': Video Art (Festival Mar de Mares & SIGNUS Ecovalor). Funcación Luis Seoane. A Coruña, Spain
2016 'Pedriiño': Sculpture made of recycled electronic waste (Festival Mar de Mares 2016). Jardines Mendez Nuñez. A Coruña, Spain
2010 'Chrysalis': Video Art (Closure VIVA Festival). Instituto Cervantes. Manchester, UK
* 'Balloon Bash': Multimedia Installation. Commissioned by Jessica Charlesworth. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
* 'Unisex': Photo Installation. Commissioned by Jessica Charlesworth. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
* 'Chrysalis': Live performance/video installation. Commissioned by David Rosenberg. Shunt Lounge. London, UK
Work Experience
2013-16 Photographer at Photoshot Photo Agency
2012-to present Photographer at the Barbican Museum
2011-2020 Freelance at Leica Camera UK
2008-to present Photographer; Specialized in Art and Culture Events
2009-10 Gallery Assistant Candid Arts Trust
2008-13 Renown artist Tom Hunter's assistant